Become a Caregiver Coalition member
Membership Criteria:
Organizations and individual community members must be in good standing in the community and other areas in which it conducts business and/or provides goods and services.
New members must be approved by The Caregiver Coalition Coordinator and the ElderSource Vice President of Communications.
Members must attend member meetings. Members may designate someone from their organization to stand in on their behalf for occasions when their own attendance is not possible.
Membership is activated upon approval of the membership approval team and the return of a signed or electronically signed Membership Agreement.
The Coalition branding and logo may only be used with the permission of the ElderSource VP of Communications and the Caregiver Coalition Coordinator.
Membership may be cancelled at the discretion of the VP of Communications and Coalition Coordinator and on a case-by-case basis for conduct that is inconsistent with the values of the Coalition or that poses a threat to the Coalition’s mission and its members.
Members must provide two or more topics about which the member or member organization can be a subject matter expert on a topic relevant to caregiving or caregivers.
Ready to become a member? Please sign and return the Caregiver Coalition of Northeast Florida Membership Agreement to emily.harris@myeldersource.org